How do I generate a report (and print it)?

To generate a detailed, comparison, or single test report, use the Activity Log:

To view your client’s history, tap CLIENT from the bottom nav, and tap the menu icon (⋮) next to the desired client, then tap ASSESSMENT HISTORY. Alternatively, you can tap REPORTS and then select Activity Log from the dropdown menu. Once here, you can view client’s history by assessment as selected by the tabs near the top of the screen. Scroll vertically to view different session results. Select the tests you wish to compare and tap the COMPARE button to compare or simply see more detail about one particular test.

Tap the blue report icon to generate a Single Test Report for the desired date. To generate a report comparing up to 4 tests, check the boxes next to the desired tests and tap COMPARE.

These reports can be shared or printed directly from the app by tapping the SHARE icon above the report, and then print.

To generate a single test report, use the Assessment History:

With a client selected, tap REPORT from the main nav. You will land on the Assessment History section of the Report Center. Each blue dot represents the most recent test from that given day or test. Tap the dot to generate a report.

These reports can be shared or printed directly from the app by tapping the SHARE icon above the report, and then print.

To generate summary reports as both PDF and .csv filetypes, use the Report Center:

Tap REPORT from the bottom nav, and then select EXPORTABLE REPORTS from the dropdown menu. Please not that you must have a client selected before running a report. (You will see the selected client at the top of your screen if a client is already selected. If not, you will be prompted to do so first). Select the type of report you wish to generate.

To export a .csv file, tap EXPORT, then follow system prompts to share the file. To generate a PDF report, tap PRINT, then follow system prompts to share or print the file.

These reports can be shared or printed directly from the app by tapping the SHARE icon above the report, and then print.